Monday, November 21, 2011


Can anybody tell me how this spotty facial hair is raising awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer???

In other news, we went to a play at the Desert Star Playhouse (which is an experience in and of itself) and it snowed...


  1. i hate "Movember." Today Wes asked for a beard trimming kit...umm, does that mean the facial hair is staying for good?!?!? I sure hope not!!!

  2. Matt's got me on his spotty facial hair, but I'm for anything that raises awareness of prostate cancer.
    The snow sure looks like it was fun as implicated by the wide grins on both your faces! Looking forward to seeing you both (and Miss Susan) in the next few days!! Will we be seeing any snow while we are there??? I've ordered some fleece lined jeans from LLBean. I hate being cold.... Matt will tell you.
