Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Din Din

You know how they say opposites attract?  If you know me and Matt, you know we are VERY different.  Especially when it comes to food.  I’ve tricked him into liking all of the food I like, but he hasn’t been quite as successful. 

Somehow the planets aligned and we ended up at a Chinese restaurant with my parents last weekend.    I can’t believe it didn’t cross my mind until that night that my dad and Matt should be dinner partners.  They both love all of that weird food, as I like to classify it.  (i.e. sushi, Indian, Greek, etc.)  You know, the kind of food my mother and I do not like to spend “good money” (as she kept on calling it) on. 


  1. this is akward since i wasn't invited and mom had asked if we wanted to play games with them and then cancelled as soon as better (dinner plans) came along . . .

  2. a) its a sin if you think sushi is a waste of money! b) i am noticing this ----> pic over here of your cute puppy and that pillow is the exact fabric I saw yesterday that I want to make into a rug! I am obsessed with that print!
