Thursday, January 26, 2012

Brain Dump, 2012 Style...

I’m not going to pretend like I’m sad that time has flown by.  I really don’t care for the winter and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my dear friends Spring and Summer.

January has been boring, and by boring I mean these are the highlights in our life. 

Since neither Matt or I am savvy enough to really know how to use my new iPad, we’ve resorted to using it for gaming.  Mostly just sodoku and bejeweled blitz – but I also enjoy online shopping.  Matt takes sodoku too seriously for me to play with him but we love splitting the screen for bejeweled blitz.

Kate and I had the miraculous idea to split a 5lb bag of Haribo gold bears via Amazon.  Yes, this was definitely a highlight of the month.

Matt had a viscous case of food poisoning which resulted in him losing his holiday weight gain (poor baby, right?) and enabled me to eat all of the extra goodies around our house for a few days.  Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some.  In this case, some = lbs.

During Matt’s food poisoning, we took the kids for an over nighter.  I’ve been promising Livvy for a long time that she could come sleep over and I couldn’t be that aunt.  We watched Judy Moody, (which Matt enjoyed more than he should have), ate treats and went to bed.  At the lovely hour of 4am Matt was wide awake pacing the bedroom considering going to the hospital for his stomach pain while Drew was in the other room throwing up blue,  (we had no idea he had eaten blue tortilla chips before we got him so we were a bit concerned) and Susan was downstairs in her cage going crazy.  After about an hour and a half of going back and forth, we got settled and went back to bed.  Before I knew it, it was 8:00am and all 3 kids were ready to wake up.  Umm hi, best birth control EVER.

Matt’s food poisoning left right as my dry hacking cough arrived.  I lose 1-2+ hours of sleep a night just sitting up coughing.  It’s been awesome.  

Matt is still cooking like crazy.  I came home this weekend to find him cooking soup when we already had dinner plans with friends.  When I questioned his intention he responded “so we’ll have meals for the week.”  Who is this guy?  He also busted out some Auntie Ann’s-like cinnamon pretzels this week.  I wasn’t disappointed.

And lastly, we took Susan to the dog park on a really snowy day and she ended up REALLY muddy.  And then ended up in this bag for the drive home. 

And now it makes sense why I don’t update my blog more often, right?  Quite the list of “highlights.”


  1. ha ha ha and that is why I love the randomness of blogging...who gives a hoot what crap you put on there. And dag nabbit Susan is so cute!

  2. you are too nice ;) everytime I read your blog I think you guys are the cutest little supermodel couple ever! ha
